ENGenuity Issue 2: Fall 2022

EAS Caltech Community,
We are back in person! As you read this issue of ENGenuity, Caltech has begun the fall term with the return of all community members and fully in-person teaching. In EAS, we just held our first in-person fall gathering in three years, at which we had an opportunity to personally honor and celebrate Carver Mead for his award of this year's Kyoto Prize recognizing his pioneering contributions to very large scale integrated circuits, neural networks, and analog circuits. One of the privileges of serving as EAS Division Chair is to have a three-dimensional view of the continuous innovation chain forged by our faculty, students, and alumni that yields such extraordinary advances.
Harry Atwater
Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science

A Ski Lift on the Moon
Deep in the sub-basement of the Keck Engineering Laboratories, a team of 56 Caltech undergraduates are engineering a new way to explore the moon. The team is among seven finalists in the 2022 NASA Breakthrough, Innovative, and Game-Changing (BIG) Idea Challenge, which asks university teams to design new ways of traversing lunar craters that do not rely on wheels. Launch the story. Read more.

As a 9X builder of early stage startups, Dave Zito is a startup veteran, yet he remains curious. Zito discusses his career, philosophy, and the importance of following your own path, whatever that may be. Read more.